Common problems and their solutions#

This is a page to list a few of the common problems that we run into during operation of, and some common solutions that solve these problems. In general, manual intervention is something that we should avoid requiring, but sometimes it is necessary. This page serves as a helpful guide for people maintaining, and an informal list of things we should design new technology to fix.

The Docker-in-Docker socket#

When using Docker-in-Docker, there is a chance that dind hasn’t started when a build is requested. If this happens, the volume mount to load /var/run/dind/docker.sock into the build container may occur before dind has created the socket. If this happens, the volume mount will create a directory at the mount point (which we don’t want to happen). If this happens, Docker-in-Docker will be inaccessible until /var/run/dind is manually deleted and the dind pod is restarted.

How to spot the problem#

Build pods will not be working, and the dind pods are stuck in CrashLoopBackoff.

How to resolve the problem#

  1. Find out which node contains the crashing dind pod (aka, the node that has folder in /var/run/dind/docker.sock rather than the socket file). You can do so by running:

    kubectl --namespace=<ns> get pod -o wide
  2. Once you find the node of interest, SSH into it with:

    gcloud compute ssh

  3. Manually delete the docker.sock folder from the node.

    sudo rm -rf /var/run/dind/docker.sock/

  4. Delete the dind pod (k8s will automatically create a new one)

    kubectl –namespace= delete pod

Networking Errors#

Sometimes there are networking errors between pods, or between one pod and all other pods. This section covers how to debug and correct for networking on the Kubernetes deployment.

Manually confirm network between pods is working#

To confirm that binderhub can talk to jupyterhub, to the internet in general, or you want to confirm for yourself that there is no connectivity problem between pods follow this recipe.

  1. connect to the pod you want to use as “source”, for example the jupyterhub pod: kubectl --namespace=prod exec -it hub-989cc9bd-bbkbk /bin/bash

  2. start python3, import requests

  3. use requests.get(host) to check connectivity. Some interesting hostnames to try talking to are:

    • http://binder/, the binderhub service

    • http://hub:8081/hub/api, the jupyterhub API

    • http://proxy-public/hub/api, the CHP route that redirects you to the jupyterhub API (content of the response should be equal)

    •, the internet

    • the CHP API needs a token so run: headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + os.environ['CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN']} and thenrequests.get('http://proxy-api:8001/api/routes', headers=headers)

    • Other hostnames within the Kubernetes deployment. To find out hostnames to try look at the field of a kubernetes service in the helm chart. You should be able to connect to each of them using the name as the hostname. Take care to use the right port, not all of them are listening on 80.

Here’s a code snippet to try all of the above in quick succession:

import requests
import os
urls = ["binder/", "hub:8081/hub/api", "proxy-public/hub/api", ""]
for url in urls:
    resp = requests.get("http://" + url)
    print('{}: {}'.format(url, resp))

Spikes in traffic#

Spikes in traffic can cause congestion, slowness, or surface bugs in the deployment. Here are some ways to detect spikes.

Spikes to

Spikes to are most-easily detected by going to the project’s Google Analytics page. Look at the “real-time” page and see if there is a big shift from typical patterns of behavior.

Spikes to the /build API#

Sometimes there are spikes to the BinderHub build API, which we cannot capture with Google Analytics. Spikes to the build API usually come from a single repository, and can be found with the following command.

To list the API requests to /build:

kubectl --namespace=prod logs -l component=controller | grep '/build'

and to list the number of API requests to /build that contain a particular word:

kubectl --namespace=prod logs -l component=controller | grep '/build' | grep <word-name> | wc -l