.. _mybinder-federation: =========================== The mybinder.org Federation =========================== The current status of the mybinder.org federation can be found `here `__. Adding or removing a federation member -------------------------------------- The following files contain references to the federation, and should be updated when a federation member is added or removed: #. pages for https://mybinder.readthedocs.io: `status `_ and `federation info `_ #. `deployment to the cluster `_ #. `testing of the cluster configuration `_ #. membership in `federationRedirect.hosts config for prod `__ #. add/remove data source for the cluster's prometheus at https://grafana.mybinder.org #. if outside the default Google Cloud project, make sure launches are published to the events archive: - If not deployed from this repo, publishing events to the archive is configured `here `__ - GKE clusters don't need further configuration, but outside GKE (or outside our GCP project, maybe?) need a service account. These accounts are configured `in terraform `__, and can be retrieved via `terraform output events_archiver_keys`. For OVH, a secret is added to the chart `here `__ and mounted in the binder pod `here `__ (in our chart, the secret itself is added to `eventsArchiver.serviceAccountKey `__ helm config, in secrets/config/ovh2.yaml). Temporarily removing a federation member from rotation ------------------------------------------------------ There are a few reasons why you may wish to remove a Federation member from rotation. For example, maintenance work, a problem with the deployment, and so on. There are 3 main files you may wish to edit in order to remove a cluster from the Federation: #. *Required.* Set the ``binderhub.config.BinderHub.pod_quota`` key to ``0`` in the cluster's config file under the `config `_ directory #. *Recommended.* Set the ``weight`` key for the cluster to ``0`` in the `helm chart values file `_ in order to remove it from the redirector's pool #. *Optional.* Comment out the cluster from the `continuous deployment `_ file