# Getting started with the `mybinder.org` dev team This page contains a starting point for people who would like to help maintain the BinderHub deployment at `mybinder.org`. ## Make sure you have access on the Google Cloud project Go to `console.cloud.google.com` and see if you have `binderhub` listed in your projects. If not, message one of the Binder devs on the [Gitter Channel](https://gitter.im/jupyterhub/binder) to get access. ## Install `kubectl` and the `gcloud` SDK The most important tool for keeping an eye on the Kubernetes deployment is `kubectl` and the `gcloud` SDK. These will let you run queries on the `mybinder.org` deployment from your command line. To set this up, check out the [Zero to JupyterHub Google SDK section](https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/kubernetes/google/step-zero-gcp.html). (everything before the part where you create a google cloud cluster). When you run `gcloud init` for the first time, it'll ask you to authenticate and to choose a project / default region. You should authenticate with the email that's been given privileges to work on `mybinder.org`, choose the project `binderhub`, and use the region `us-central1`. We recommend enabling [`kubectl` autocompletion](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/#kubectl) as well. ## Set up `kubectl` to connect to `mybinder.org` Once you have `kubectl` installed, you can connect it with `mybinder.org`. To do so, run the following command: ``` gcloud container clusters get-credentials prod --zone us-central1 --project binderhub ``` This will open a log-in page in your browser. If you've got access, you'll be able to log in and your `kubectl` will now be able to run commands with `mybinder.org`. You can test this out by running: ``` kubectl --namespace=prod get pod ``` and a list of all running Binder pods should be printed. ### Connect to the staging deployment Now that you're connected to prod it's time to connect to staging. To do so, pull the staging credentials on to your local machine: ``` gcloud container clusters get-credentials staging --zone us-central1-a --project binderhub ``` You can now switch between the `prod` and `staging` deployments by changing your `kubectl` context. ## Look at the project Grafana Another useful resource is the [mybinder.org Grafana dashboard](https://grafana.mybinder.org/?orgId=1). This has information about the current state of the binder deployment. Take a look at all of these plots and familiarize yourself with them. They're quite useful in spotting and debugging problems in the future. ## Start helping out! There are many ways that you can help debug/maintain/improve the `mybinder.org` deployment. The best way to get started is to keep an eye on the [Gitter Channel](https://gitter.im/jupyterhub/binder) as well as the Grafana dashboard. If you see something interesting, don't hesitate to ask questions or make suggestions!